Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A start of a new school year...

Your two favorite philosophers are getting down to business again with a start of a new school year.

As some of you may not know, Ben and Lisa are both RAs at CNU - they have been training for the year since last thursday (Aug 6th). It's pretty amazing. Harry Potter themed training is way better than you'd think.

Some of the sessions include:
- Care of Magical Creatures
- Taming Dragons
- Going to the Chamber of Secrets
- All meals in the Great H. H. Hall
- RCFs with Filch!
- Muggle Studies
- Out and About in Hogsmeade
- Planning the Yule Ball
- Learning about Butter Beer and Fire Whiskey
- Wizengamot aka CHECS
- Rooms of Requirement

Isn't it awesome?! Who knew training to be an RA would coincide with being a wizard so well!?!? Someone thought it through. Maybe they are wizards in disguise...and us muggles don't know about it...

Hopefully Philosopher #2 will get on the ball about talking and philosophizing about his training experiences, but until then you'll only get to hear what I think about it.

I lurve Harry Potter

A. lot.

So this is a pretty fun two weeks for me :) I can't wait til the residents finally move in because that's why we are all here and I wanna get things started!!! :D I get impatient when they give us all these wonderful things we can do with our residents then they say "oh yeah just kidding wait two weeks til you get to do any of it." Dang.

But I'll have more to philosophize about once things have been moving for an entire week.

However learning to be a magical RA is a lot of work and it takes a lot out of you. I hope to philosophize soon, but in the mean time...philosophize in the comment section.

And that's my new philosophy.

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