A thought for you for summer:
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Philosophy on Friendship
So, as you all know, I philosophize a lot more in person than I do online, but I do have an interesting philosophy for you tonight. It is a little more serious than we are used to, here on thedormroomphilosopher.blogspot.com, so bear with me.
For the last few days I've been seriously contemplating friendship and what it means to be a good friend, supportive friend. Is it someone you can tell anything to? Is it someone you are always happy with? Is it someone you can sit with and not say anything to and they understand what you are feeling?
This is my philosophy on friendship.
Friendship doesn't just happen on it's own, you have to work towards building the types of friendships that you want. So, whatever you put into it, you get out of it. Yes, some friendships begin on accident, but they all stay because of your commitment level.
True friendships are not always perfect, they have their ups and their downs...some skyrocketing highs, and sometimes unbearable lows, but true friends make it through.
Two of my most wonderful friendships have seen their fair share of lows, and I'm just happy to say that things are looking up. I don't know what I would do without them, and getting through such hard times with them has shown me that nothing beats a best friend.
Today, a trusted advisor told me that when you find the one person you can tell EVERYTHING to and they'll still love you, keep them around because you'll only find one. Well I found two, and I'm sure not letting them go!!!! They can try to get rid of me but I'll just keep coming back. Mwahahaha.
So think about the people closest to you, and think of the people you can't live without...remember those people, and work towards keeping those friendships alive. Nothing is more important than a best friend.
And that's my new philosophy!
Ps. I love my biggie Jess and my little Deanna. You guys are amazing and I am better because of both of you :)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Leggings are not pants.
Celebrities do it...college kids do it...soon children will be doing it...what is America coming to?
Tights are also unacceptable pant alternatives. If you are going to cover your legs, really commit.
Skirts with leggings or tights...okay. I can handle that. You got a lot of junk in your trunk...gotta cover up...okay. I'll accept.
Wearing little booty shorts with tights...NOT ACCEPTABLE! I've seen this way too much to attribute this to one girls terrible taste in clothing. I've now seen 4 different girls around my campus and it's just so trife.
Also, long shirts plus leggings don't count as wearing a dress. If you sit down and your butt is covered only by the leggings, you have a problem and you should consider wearing a) shirts that fit plus b) real pants.
Celebrities can afford pants. So for Mary-Kate Olsen to be participating in such a trend is beyond me. Are these leggings made of gold? Well some are. But not hers.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Learning about how to operate computers is silly. I obviously know how to turn a computer on and use the commands (duh I have this blog) so why am I taking an entire 3 credit class on how to use computers?!
Yes, the part about excel sheets was kinda useful for my future career as a teacher for grade sheets and such, but two weeks on it is just out of control.
Did you know that Jessica Simpson's song "A Little Bit" is 3 minutes and 47 seconds long which makes it 320, 342,400 bits? Cooooool. I didn't need to know that. Why is that even a question in here?! This is absurd.
Since I have no choice but to finish this class, I might as well get a good grade, right? Unfortunately, the tests are timed and that is probably the most stressful thing to put me through...a timed test. So I always manage to speed through it and do poorly on all these little quizzes. So I am studying now. Here are some little nuggest of knowledge for you all:
- When all of the RGB color settings are set to 0, the color is BLACK! No way!
- The first digit of any binary number is always ONE!
- The accuracy of digitized sound is determined by the sampling rate.
- Raymond Kurtzweil is known as the inventor of text-to-speech recongition.
- MP3 is the sound information of MPEG movies.
- A digital-to-analog converter changes digital information to analog waves. What else would it do?
- GIF = graphics interchange format.
- Using ALL CAPS for an email message conveys anger. [Why is this in the book?]
- The best way to end a flame war is is to cool down before you reply [thank you for anger management techniques.]
Yeah so we'll see about this nonsense. My philosophy: studying for a lame class is lame and is not work my time.
And that's my new philosophy!
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